Blogs: Everyone's Doing It

I used to keep a blog back in the olden days, and I have no idea if I actually will keep this one up, but as Cohost comes to an unfair end today, many friends are setting up Blogs to keep in their RSS readers. Only time will tell if this works as a fabric for a social community but I wanted to at least plant my flag.

I have this blog, I have this URL, why the hell not. I’ll probably use it to post the kinda capsule reviews that I put over on Backloggd and Letterboxd, and also just as a dumping ground for casual discourse thoughts instead of posting anything on fucking twitter, a website that is basically now actively poisonous. A minute on there and I feel my soul dying, the for you page pulling me into arguments no one needs to have.

Unless I’ve done something very wrong the rss should be as follows:

Here it is linked for normal people.

So we’ll see. No grand opening post or schedule or firm commitment, but I wanted to set this up nonetheless!